"Devadasu" is 100 Days old

Y.V.S. Chowdary's film "Devadasu" has successfully completed 100 days. On this occasion a press conference was organized and Y.V.S. Chowdhary, the Producer and Director of the film spoke about the film.

"I am very happy that this film besides tough competition from many big films has completed 100 days. This is a very risky project having no star cast and totally dependent on the story line-up and songs. I believe that the story, music and other technical aspects are the foundation for a film and audience have proved this once again. Initially, the film got good response but subsequently due to release of some good films, collections have come down. As it got all the essentials of a good film, it stood stubborn and completed 100 days. I thank the audience for their belief that my films will be entertaining and that is the main reason for this success. We are planning to organize the centenary celebrations in a big way as it is like a festival to the unit members."