Duet Movies hunt for young actors

Duet Movies, which is spreading positive vibes in the industry by churning out meaningful movies and encouraging new talents, has gone a step further. After introducing talented filmmakers like Radha Mohan, Priya V., and Jeevan, Duet Movies, owned by versatile actor Prakash Raj, has now ventured into finding new and young actors.

Duet Movies has just announced its ambitious project to hunt new young talents in the field of acting. It has called for 'energetic, fresh and raring to go acting talents' in the age group of 18-23.

The company has announced that the aspirants could walk in with their photographs and resumes any time between 10.30 am and 6.00 pm during Monday to Saturday.

We have seen many talent hunt programs in various fields but this is probably the first time we witness such a massive talent hunt program to find new and young talents in acting field. The aspirants, who have been shuttling between the offices of various directors, can now have a proper interview in a professional manner.

The aspirants, the announcement says, can also send their resumes and photographs through email. They can send them to: [email protected]

Kudos to Prakash Raj for coming up with such a professional method to find real talents in the field of acting.