FIA thrashes allegations against Vikram

Prakash M. Swamy, President of America Tamil Sangam, recently criticised Vikram's attitude during the Independence Day parade by America Tamil Sangam in the US. However, now the FIA (Federation of Indian Association NY NJ CT) has thrashed the report and has stated that they are thankful to the Anniyan actor for making the event memorable.

In a press note, the clarified, "FIA is grateful and extremely thankful to Mr. Chiyaan Vikram for being a part of India Day Parade. Even though he had a very busy schedule with his film slated to release next week, he enthusiastically agreed to be part of this event not as an actor or a South Indian but as a proud Indian.

We were shocked to see a recent vituperative social media post by Mr. Prakash M Swamy, and we would like to categorically state that nothing in that post is true but rather a figment of his imagination. And we would like to add that Mr. Vikram was invited as a guest of honor by FIA and Times Network only, and Mr. Prakash had nothing to do with it or the event. We understand Mr. Vikram has been greatly pained by this malicious post. We reiterate that Mr. Swamy’s post has malicious content that should be condemned and ignored."