Mega Hero's 'cheap' Sense Of Humor

Allu Sirish, the young hero from the Allu family, is infamously popular for his outspoken tweets occasionally. In a latest, Sirish displayed his rather embarrassing 'sense of humour' when he tweeted about a beauty parlour tagging his Srirastu Subhamasthu actress Lavanya Tripathi.

This afternoon, Sirish posted a photograph on his Twitter page which showed a beauty parlour's sign board with Lavanya written on it. A cheeky Sirish then tweeted "Congrats @Itslavanya on your new venture. Good luck & best wishes."

To this, Lavanya replied with a slightly sarcastic yet friendly "thank you! And guess what!! We are hiring fresh talent, please come try your luck". Then came an unexpected and below the line reply from Sirish.

The Allu hero replied, "Why do you need men in a ladies only parlour. Wait! Its only a parlour right?" While Sirish's cheap sense of humour invited mixed response from his Twitter followers, Lavanya must have decided not to pull the string until it's broken and kept totally silent.