Ram Gopal Varma's next movie budget: 340 crores

"My 1st international film to be made at a cost of 340 cr is NUCLEAR. It will be be shot in America,China,Russia,Yemen nd india with American,Chinese,Russian nd Indian actors. It's produced by CMA GLOBAL who did a long term tie up with my Company for 15 films", tweeted Ram Gopal Varma a while ago.

That sounds shocking for sure, as 340 crores investment is not a joke and none of Ram Gopal Varma's films are such commercially succesfull these days.

His statement reads:

Terrorism is on the top of everyone's minds in the world today be it America, Europe, Middle East or Asia. We wake up every morning to hear dreadful news of a terror attack happening somewhere or the other. Incidents like planes bringing down towers, a truck plowing through people on the roads, slaughtering hundreds of innocent people in Paris,Mumbai etc are terrifying enough, but the real and truly unthinkable terror is, what if someone gets their hands on a nuclear bomb?

The only thing which can be more terrifying than that is, if that explosion happens now in our times. It is because of this fear that America acted against Iraq. If an act based on mere suspicion that someone could be in possession of a nuclear bomb bring in so much of hate and divide between the countries of the world resulting in regime collapses, friendly countries becoming sworn enemies, rise of ISIS etc., then it's obvious that an actual nuclear explosion in a big city like Mumbai can easily trigger WORLD WAR III and thus end the WORLD.

Ram Gopal Varma's next movie budget: 340 crores