Thottas art wows singer

Vadivelu's Indiralohathil Na Azhagappan is being shot in a brisk pace. Recently a song sequence featuring Vadivelu and three heroines was shot in a grand set erected Indiraloham at Prasad Studios.

Vadivelu appeared as Indiran in the song sequence while Suja as Rambha, Theetha Sharma as Urvashi and Rari as Menaka.

Noted playback singer Sadhana Sargam had sung the song penned by Pulamai Pithan.

Producer Manickam Narayanan had taken Sadhana Sargam for the grand set before the song recording.

Sadhana was thrilled to see such a mega set erected for the song. She expressed her awe and admiration and heaped laurels on art director Thotta Tharani.