Why So Much Cry on PROs?

The PRO system in Telugu film industry is not as respected and distinguished as in other regional cinema industries or for that matter Bollywood and Hollywood regards them more. For the first time, all influential media agencies in Tollywood are making a hue and cry for one film ‘Dhruva’ wherein hero Ramcharan changed the PROs.

Telugu movie PROs are more tagged with caste factors and production houses are backing them based on many equations. However, the work of PROs is mainly meant to keep indirectly in touch with public by promoting respective films through various media forms available in market. The job looks quite simple at words and at the same immensely complicated during implementation.

A movie getting its hands changed from one PRO to other of course isn’t a regular happening but again its’ not new. If the final Box Office outcome is taken as end goal, a movie with content is surely to evolve as winner. Media is always there to support good and small films. There’s nothing much to differentiate between PROs as each of them (irrespective of caste, creed and sex) work wholeheartedly to see their movie, hero, director go up by one step.

With new ways like social media or say digital marketing making big strides into Tollywood, there is also a necessity for our PROs to update their skill. How far these game plans alter the overall result is unimportant but for time being, all the so called high budgeted big movies are keeping a tab on Trends. Like every business department undergoes a transition phase, currently PRO network is also passing through the same. Only the tougher and stiffer survive while others perish.

Why So Much Cry on PROs?
Why So Much Cry on PROs?