Fitness health

Norwegian military placing soldiers on vegetarian diet

Norwegian soldiers are going veggie.The country’s military announced plans to place its troops on a strict vegetarian diet once a week for what they are calling ‘Meatless Mondays,’ the Independent reported. According to a military spokesperson, the measure is meant to combat climate change,…

Best Superfoods for Weight Loss

So-called superfoods are nutritional powerhouses that help build bones, prevent chronic diseases, improve your eyesight, and even keep your mind sharp. But did you know new evidence suggests these foods can also help you get—and stay—slim? Read on for the top superfoods for weight loss,…

Habits for a faster metabolism

Your metabolism works around the clock, regulating the use of calories and revving up to help you shed fat. It is the sum total of everything that your body does for you.However, millions of Americans suffer from a slow, sluggish metabolism, and many blame…

Shed fat with water

Burn 17,400 extra calories a year simply by filling up on the wet stuff. Here are five best H20-laden foods.waterThat figure is the extra calories you'll burn by increasing your daily water intake by 1.5l, found the Franz-Volhard Clinical Research Center in Berlin.…

Cancer drugs could halt Ebola virus

Some cancer drugs used to treat patients with leukemia may also help stop the Ebola virus and give the body time to control the infection before it turns deadly, US researchers said on Wednesday.The much-feared Ebola virus emerged in Africa in the 1970s and…

To optimize exercise, heed your heart rate training zone

Whether you're interested in running a marathon or staving off the chronic diseases of ageing, to reap the rewards of your efforts getting into the zone is essential.Experts say knowing and staying within your heart rate training zone is an easy way to pace…

Weight Watchers works in tackling obesity: study

Adults referred to the commercial weight loss programme Weight Watchers shed twice as much weight as people who received standard care over a 12-month period, according to a study published Thursday.In clinical trials, researchers led by Susan Jebb of the UK Medical Research Council…

Regular exercise wards off common cold

People who are fit and active are far less likely to get coughs and sniffles. And even if sporty types get colds, they are milder and don’t last as long, says a new research.The research found the severity of common cold symptoms fell by…

Obesity Best Home Food Buttermilk

Buttermilk is produced by culture, the milk is turned into curd and then this curd is churned to produced buttermilk and cream. Buttermilk is very good for body and has more lactic acid and less fat as compared to regular milk. It is a very…

Fitness on the Go

People love to tell me, “Life is about balance.” Unfortunately, I tossed that saying out the window many years ago after I left the friendly confines of undergrad life in Boulder, Colorado. That’s when balance appeared to leave, replaced by the ebb and flow of…